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KCSC is always exploring new ways to work towards our goal of Bringing Science & Community Together. Citizen Science is something we are giving a try.
Citizen Science is when citizens, like us, run experiments, collect data and/or analyze data for scientists. The work of citizen scientists directly contributes to the work of real scientists and helps them to learn more and make new discoveries. There are only a limited number of scientists working on their research, but if we help them, they can collect more information/data from all over the world and dramatically increase the scope of their project. You can make a big difference by being a Citizen Scientist!
There are many Citizen Science projects and we would like to promote the projects and support all of you citizen scientists out there. You don't have to have any prior experience or expertise. This is open to anyone interested in giving it a try.
We have participated in the Wild Sourdough Project as the first Citizen Science project we promoted. We were able to do a test run with some AMAZING Science Teachers and Students at Waimea Canyon Middle School, so we knew that it would be fun and that you could also bake some delicious sourdough bread if you get through all 15 days of the project.
Recently, we have participated in the Ant Picnic project hosted by Scistarter. See below for information on this project.
Currently, we are participating in Project Monarch Health through the Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia. This project tracks the spread and impacts of a pathogen that debilitates monarchs nation-wide.
The Citizen Science project we are promoting right now is Project Monarch Health. This project is run by Scientists from University of Georgia and it is a great way to learn about animal migrations and the spread of infectious disease. Not only can you produce valuable data for the scientists at UGA, but you can raise caterpillars and watch them transform into monarch butterflies too! We tried it and we know that it works, so we are excited to share it with you.
If you want to participate - reach out and we will give you a butterfly testing kit!
This recipe from NC State has worked great for us. The best sourdough bread we have ever eaten!
Here's a data collection sheet that you can use to collect your data during the experiment.
It's go time!
Here's are some more details and information about starting and maintaining your cultures from Day 1 - Day 15
You made it to Day 15!
Here's how to do the final feeding, characterization, submitting your data and making bread. Enjoy!
Kauai Community Science Center
West Kaua`i Technology Center, Unit 103, 9555 Kaumuali`i Highway, P.O. Box 60, Waimea, Hawaii 96796-0060
Copyright © 2018 KAUAICSC - All Rights Reserved.